With the new year almost upon us, it’s time to start thinking about which quilt shows to enter in 2019! I did a post some time ago on planning for quilt shows, and I thought I’d share some printable stickers so you can get in on the fun.
If you’re reading this and thinking “I don’t enter shows!” then let me encourage you to think about doing so. There’s nothing quite as fun as seeing your quilt hanging in a show, and lurking near it to watch show visitors ooh and aah over it.
The Quilter’s Planner conveniently lists most of the major shows in the monthly view, but if you’re planning to actually enter any of them (or your local or regional shows) you’ll need to plan ahead and know when the deadlines are. That’s where fun stickers come in handy!
The system I came up with has worked pretty well for me. I have stickers for:
- The entry deadline. Since I’m a modern quilter, I include a checkbox for whether or not the show has a modern category, since not all do—this helps me see easily whether a show should be in my top tier of shows I want to think about entering. I’ve included a version of the stickers without this checkbox, though, if that’s not the best category for you.
- If it’s a juried show, when I can expect notification of whether or not my quilt has been accepted. Because I’m impatient and need to know when I’m going to find out!
- A sticker for when the quilt is due. If you’re shipping, there’s usually a range of dates when your quilt is supposed to arrive, so I stick this one on the first day and note down the date range.
- Stickers to mark the show dates… because once you enter, you want to know who won! Plus, this helps you approximate when your quilt will be back so you don’t double-book it.
- Plus a sticker so I can note down that a particular quilt is gone. This one has been less useful to me lately since I have a lot of quilts traveling these days—I still use it for show quilts, but I also keep a master list on a whiteboard in my studio that includes quilts off with various publications.
The stickers look great in my Quilter’s Planner!
Of course, if you’re going to enter quilt shows, you might win some ribbons, right? And if that happens you’ll definitely want to celebrate that in your planner, so I have some little ribbon printables for you too. They’re outlines, so you can color them to match your ribbon. Or just use them to give yourself an award for getting some sewing done!
I thought these would be super cute if I foiled them, so I pulled out some laser foil that I’ve been hoarding since (no joke) the 1990s.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work terribly well. The life lesson for today is to use your fancy craft supplies because they might not be functional in 20 years.
If your planner is smaller, or you have small handwriting and just want smaller stickers, I’ve included both the Quilter’s Planner size and my original size, with and without the modern category checkbox. Print them on sticker paper and cut them out with scissors. If you own or have access to a Silhouette cutting machine (check with your local library—mine has machines that everyone can use!) I’ve got print and cut files for you, too.
Click here to download the printables in PDF format.
Click here to download Silhouette cut files.
Good luck with your entries!
These are WAY cool, Sylvia. Thanks for sharing!