Registration for QuiltCon 2020 in Austin, Texas, starts next week, and if you’re planning to attend, I hope you’ll think about signing up for one of the lectures or workshops I’ll be teaching there! I’m absolutely thrilled to have been asked back, and have several different lectures and workshops on the calendar. You can find all the details in the official catalog, but here’s a short summary.
Designing With Negative Space (DES003 and DES009; Thursday or Saturday 6-9 pm)
This is a non-sewing workshop in which we’ll work from design prompts using paper, scissors, and colored pencils to come up with quilt designs that use negative space.
Celestial Orbs (FDP004, Saturday 9-5)
In this workshop, we’ll make blocks from my Celestial Orbs quilt pattern. You’ll learn both paper piecing and curved piecing with easy curves that give perfect points every time!

Celestial Orbs quilt
Quilting the Negative Space (LE11; Friday 1 pm)
This lecture will focus specifically on choosing quilting designs for quilts with lots of negative space. We’ll cover the options, from simple to complex, and talk about both domestic machine and longarm quilting.
Traditional Block, Modern Interpretation: Designing With Negative Space (LE23, Sunday 11:30-12:15)
If you missed my lecture at this year’s QuiltCon, here’s your opportunity to catch it! This lecture focuses on designing modern quilts by starting with traditional quilt blocks; we’ll go through the design process step by step so that you can see exactly how you can apply these design techniques to your own favorite quilt blocks!
Registration for MQG members starts on June 25 at 10 am Eastern/7 am Pacific time; be sure to watch your email for the link! Registration for everyone else starts July 10.
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